
          Price Guarantee

          Garrison's Low-Price Guarantee!

          If you find a lower price on the exact same item and model advertised in print within 40 miles of our store, we want to know!

          Woman on laptop checking prices
          Customer accepting a deal

          In Store

          Anytime you think there is a better deal somewhere else, we’d love the opportunity review that competitor’s offer. Please let your Sales Associate know and a manager will review any verifiable offer you’ve found, comparing it to our own.

          After review, a manager will make the decision to either match the price or counter with an offer that we feel is fair for both you and our business – given the circumstances.

          Some Things to Consider...

          Please think about other costs when shopping online or out of town! Other than price alone, consider the cost of finance offers, assembly & delivery charges, the returns policy, travel time, convenience of shopping local, keeping your money and tax dollars infused in your local economy, and quality of service while your items are under warranty.